For over 30 years A.E.B. SRL is one of the world leading manufacturers of containers (drums, kegs, tanks, containers) in stainless steel, 100% recyclable, for the containment of beverages; A.E.B. SRL stands out for:
concerning production quality and management of all services related to customer requests.
in understanding the different needs of the customer and know-how to always transform them in optimal results.
in providing prompt response to the requests of specific individual market segments: beer, wine, soft drinks, fruit juices and coffee. A.E.B. SRL is able to handle orders with very tight delivery times thanks to a warehouse of finished products always available in standard formats.
oriented to maintain and consolidate an excellent standard quality, with a particular focus on technological innovation and a careful look at the future, in order to anticipate market changes and remain at the top of it. Particular attention is paid to the environment with an on-going search for solutions oriented to make our production ever more eco-friendly and to ensure our customers that kegs, containers, drums, tanks manufactured by us are 100% recyclable.
The goals achieved in increasing, maintaining and implementing a pool of customers that includes the largest and most significant multinational producing beer, soft drinks, fruit juices and, not least, coffee manufacturers with the wide range of offered products, allowed A.E.B. SRL to achieve and maintain a top position in specific sectors. The constant investments led to a continuous technological renewal, with the inclusion of latest generation systems; all this has allowed A.E.B. SRL to continue to grow and confirm itself as a cutting-edge player of the industry.